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Myth or Fact: Will Eczema Clear Up On Its Own?

Let's break the misconception down & take a look at the actual facts:

We wish it was that easy for eczema to naturally clear up! But in most cases, it’s a combination of both age and lifestyle that cause eczema. Everyone's skin is unique in its own way which is why it's important to monitor what works well for you, products that work for one person may not work for you.

Eczema can be caused by a variety of things: from climate, and personal diet, to skincare products. Using the incorrect products for your skin type can create long-lasting problems until the condition has been identified.

Here are some steps to follow to prevent eczema:

  1. Gather common symptoms that you’re experiencing (whether it’s internal or external) & do further research such as breaking down what ingredients are in your skincare products.

  2. Try to mitigate what you’re experiencing by adjusting certain parts of your lifestyle — such as exercising more, eating healthier, or replacing certain products if needed. Sometimes using less can be more!

  3. DM us on Instagram @LEMYKASkincare & we can give you a personal consultation and recommendations from our line of products that will suit your skin type!

QUICK & EASY GUIDE to Current Skin Types & Products our team recommends!:

Facial Rash & Redness / Dry Skin / Sensitive

Teens & Adults Eczema / Dry Skin / Dermatitis

Acne Prone Adults

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