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Does change in season affect eczema?

Some people who suffer from eczema find that their symptoms tend to get better or worse based on the season and weather. It is common for eczema to be worse in the winter and then improve when spring comes back around. This is because the air in the winter is drier and colder, which can make problematic skin even worse. Without proper hydration and nourishment eczema symptoms such as itchiness, dryness, and cracked skin will only worsen. In the spring, it is warmer, which means skin is less dry, and there is also more natural sunlight which can improve symptoms. Of course, this can vary depending on geographic location and climate factors.

Everyone has different triggers for their eczema, so seasons and weather changes might not be the culprit for everyone. But in many cases, seasons do indeed induce flare ups and one might start to observe yearly patterns as time goes on. Eczema can remain dormant throughout most of the year, but then suddenly flare up when in response to extreme cold or heat. 

Eczema that flares up in the winter happens usually because one is switching between cold and hot environments. Exposure to harsh, windy environments outside followed by warm, heated buildings can be irritating to troubled skin. It could also be due to dust mites, which thrive in warm indoor environments, such as when a room is heated in the winter, or a deficiency of vitamin D that is common in the winter months. 

Spring flare ups usually do not have to do with changes in the weather, but rather the presence of pollen in the air. Allergies play a huge role in eczema flare ups, which is why many find the spring pollen to worsen their symptoms. Excessive sweating in the warmer months can also be triggering, as it creates additional oils and dirt on the skin, and potentially lead to heat rash, or eczema flare ups. 


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